Bachelor of Business in Information Technology - Full-time

  • Overview
  • Course Content
  • Structure
  • Career Opportunities
  • Fees
  • Next Steps


Bachelor of Business in IT  

Information is now recognised as a critical business asset and the effective management of information is one of the most important challenges facing a modern organisation. Information is a powerful lever in achieving competitive advantage. The use of systems and technology to control and manage organisational data and information has developed into a vital business discipline. As a result, business people are now expected to be proficient in relevant technological concepts and applications, skills that had been viewed as being outside of the domain of the traditional manager. This degree has been designed to equip future managers with the necessary skills and knowledge that enable them to function effectively within this environment. As well as providing a firm grounding in all aspects of business, it also introduces students to the key principles of understanding, choosing and managing information systems.

Course Content

The Bachelor of Business in Information Technology has the following content:

 Year 1

  • Business Environment

  • Digital and Media Skills for Business

  • Fundamentals of Accounting

  • Fundamentals of Marketing

  • Business Maths

  • Academic Skills

Year 2

  • Organisational Behaviour

  • Applied Digital Skills for Business

  • Introduction to Cost Accounting

  • Contemporary Marketing Communications

  • Business Economics

  • Critical Thinking Skills

Year 3

  • Management Practice Project

  • Business Financial Management

  • Digital Technologies for Business

  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship

  • Business Ethics and Research Practice

  • Database Design and Cloud Technologies

  • Business Programming 


Teaching and Assessment

The Bachelor of Business in Information Technology is taught mainly through lectures and tutorials, with students taking responsibility for a significant amount of study outside scheduled class contact times. Assessed work will consist of traditional end-of-year examinations plus a significant element of continuous assessment based on coursework. Such coursework may involve reports, case studies, essays, or practical assignments.


The design of this three-year degree programme is innovative since it allows students to develop a sound base of business knowledge combined with thorough understanding of the role and application of information technology in business. The business content of this programme majors on general management, marketing and finance, while the IT content focuses on the practical application of IT to business situations and issues. Upon completion of the course graduates will have had a solid grounding in the skills and expertise needed to use information technology effectively, covering both the conceptual and technical aspects.

Year 1

Seven mandatory subjects provide foundation knowledge in core business areas and disciplines including information technology.

Year 2

Student knowledge in key business disciplines is developed and they are introduced to more specialised IT areas including Computer Systems Technologies and Fundamentals of Programming.

Year 3

At the final year, the business focus moves to a more strategic level while advanced knowledge and skills are developed in specialist IT areas such as Database Designs, Cloud Technologies and Business Information Systems.

Transfer Students

Students holding a relevant higher certificate or other relevant qualifications may qualify for entry to the third year of the degree programme.

Career Opportunities

Modern organisations depend heavily on their information systems and often prefer to recruit graduates that have strong familiarity with and expertise in the IT area. Graduates from this programme will be very attractive to such organisations. They will be fully equipped to develop careers in general business management or in more specialised IT-related areas. They will be particularly well suited to positions (such as Business Analyst) that straddle the traditional divide between general management and IT management, or to which strong IT competency is a significant asset.

Further Study Options

Students who complete this programme successfully will qualify for direct entry into the final year of the BA (Hons) Business Information Systems programme at DBS.


The fees for Full-time Bachelor of Business in Information Technology are €5,995 per annum for EU students.

International Fees for the Academic Year 2025/2026

EU Fees

You can also contact our admissions team who will also be able to advise on the payment options available to you.

Fees quoted cover the annual cost of tuition, registration and examinations and are EU fees only.Non-EU students please refer to the International section of the website.Please note also that tax relief is available on fees for Irish income tax payers at the standard rate of 20% on all fees exceeding €3,000 and up to €7,000.

All QQI accredited programmes of education and training of 3 months or longer duration offered by Dublin Business School (DBS) are covered by arrangements under section 65 (4) (b) of the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012 whereby in the event that DBS ceases to provide the programme, for any reason, after learners have started on that programme, Kaplan Inc., as guarantor, will refund the moneys most recently paid by or for the learner.   More details are included in the terms and conditions of learner admission to DBS ( and on programme handbooks provided at induction.

Next Steps

Before making an application please ensure you are aware of all our entry requirements.

School Leaver Applicants

Application for first year full-time programmes in the college is through the CAO System. The CAO system applies only to applications for first year admissions to undergraduate full-time day programmes described in the prospectus, which have a CAO Course code   Application forms and the CAO Handbook are both supplied by the Central Applications Office (CAO), Tower House, Eglinton Street, Galway or from your Career Guidance Counsellor.

Mature Applicants

If you are over 23 years of age on the 1st of January on the year of admission and do not meet the minimum entry requirements, you may apply as a Mature Student. Mature students should apply directly to the Admissions Office at Dublin Business School. Mature students are assessed on the basis of age, work experience, general education standard, motivation and commitment to the programme for which they are applying. Please forward documentation such as any relevant transcripts, a CV or any other related documentation to the Admissions Office. Proof of age such as a copy of driver’s licence or passport must also be submitted. 

Transfer Students

Students holding a relevant Certificate, Diploma or other relevant third level qualification may qualify for entry to the second or third year of degree programme. Transfer applications to the second or third year full-time programmes are to be made directly to the college. Students should send copies of their examination transcripts and other relevant documentation along with their application form (available from the School / College) to the Admissions Office at Dublin Business School.   

EU Citizens

A European (EU) Application is one made by a person: 
(a) who is permanently a resident in one of the member states of the European Union and/or
(b) who will have received full-time second level education, for three of the five years immediately before the date of proposed admission, in member states.

Non-EU Applicants

Non - EU applicants should contact directly the International Admissions Office at Dublin Business School.

Application fee to CAO

Early applicants to CAO can benefit from a reduced fee of €30 for early online applications. There is a standard application fee of €45 made payable to CAO on submitting your CAO application form or online application to before the normal closing date. Late applicants will be charged €90 for paper applications and €60 for online applications.

  • International
  • Information Technology
  • Full-time Degrees/ Certificates
  • Full-Time
  • Business & Management
  • 7

Course overview

Awarding Body: 
Quality & Qualifications Ireland (QQI)
Award: Ordinary Bachelor Degree
NFQ Level:
Level 7
Award Title: 
Bachelor of Business in Information Technology
Award Type:
Duration: 3 Years
CAO Code: DB574
Next Intake: September 2025

Contact Us

We are now accepting applications for programmes taking place in 2025. Contact our admissions team for more information

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01 417 7500
Opening times:
Monday to Friday
8:45am to 5:15pm