BA (Hons) Business – Full-time

  • Overview
  • Course Content
  • Structure
  • Career Opportunities
  • Fees
  • Next Steps

  • General
  • BA (Hons) in Business

    CAO Code: DB512


    The BA (Hons) in Business is designed to give a clearly structured business education that provides a solid foundation for success in a business career. This programme provides a strong grounding in fundamental business concepts, ideas, practices and methodologies. Graduates will, upon completion of this programme, have the necessary knowledge, skills and attributes to enter the business world professionally and/or progress to a management role within a general or specific field or sub-field of business. Throughout the programme, learners will acquire business acumen to strategically appraise business opportunities and challenges and effectively integrate into decision-making roles with an organisation. The BA (Hons) in Business will create graduates capable of dealing with diverse intrinsic and extrinsic opportunities and challenges in the business world and do so in a creative fashion promoting business sustainability and growth. Graduates will be also be in a position to take up further Level 9 postgraduate studies. 

    Aims and Objectives

    The programme aims to create a well-rounded business graduate whose insights will guide and inform strategic business decisions designed to increase productivity, profitability and an organisation’s value and market share. 

    The specific programme objectives are to:
    - Provide learners with a strong base of contemporary business knowledge through theory, concepts and methods constituting an in‐depth academic grounding in the core disciplines and skills, and related areas, required for a career in general business. 
    - Imbue learners with appropriate expertise in the major aspects of the essential business disciplines and an awareness of the means by which the frontiers of the disciplines can be expanded and new knowledge appraised. 
    - Develop in learners a methodical and rational approach to business problem solving and decision making, with the capability to apply acquired knowledge and skills to practical business situations. 
    - Develop in learners a range of intellectual skills, encompassing reasoning and evaluative skills and communication skills that develop as fully as possible their interpersonal abilities. 
    - Develop learner capacity to organise information, argue, negotiate and defend conclusions and to present them in a clear and coherent fashion. 
    - Encourage learners to deal with knowledge in a critical and analytical way, with the capacity and confidence to evaluate ideas and opinions underpinned by qualitative and quantitative research findings. 
    - Provide learners with the opportunity to also specialise in a sub‐field of business learning and to increase their knowledge and skills in this specialised area of Management, Project Management, Human Resource Management, Information Systems, Cloud Computing, Psychology or Law. This specialism is in addition to the objectives outlined previously. 


    All learners are expected to attend in person in class.

    Student Testimonial

    "After comparing all college options and visiting various colleges, I got the general feeling from staff/tutors I spoke to that DBS was right for me. The staff at DBS are the most positive aspect of the college - I found them really helpful and encouraging at all times. Lecturers made themselves freely available at all times via classroom, email etc. I never had a problem in communicating with them; they were always there to help in any way.
    The DBS atmosphere/environment encourages learning and there is always someone there to help out when needed. My advice would be to make the most of your lecturers experience - they give great notes and advice. Don't be afraid to ask questions!

    I now have a 1st Class Honours Degree in Business - which has to help my career prospects... DBS has a good name in the business world and companies recognise this.                

    Overall, it was a great experience - and I really enjoyed it. In fact, I will probably pick up courses in future years at DBS - which is the best recommendation of all."

    Sean Moore
    Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business



  • Cloud Computing
  • BA (Hons) in Business (Cloud Computing)

    CAO Code: DB526

    Cloud Computing


    The Cloud Computing pathway of the BA (Hons) Business provides learners with the knowledge and technical abilities to provide optional cloud-based solutions to a variety of business scenarios. Each level builds a combination of business and technical skills. More and more companies are moving their IT systems to the cloud, and many of those businesses are exploring how to get the most out of these new models. Moving to cloud computing may reduce the cost of managing and maintaining IT systems, even though it’s unlikely for most companies to have 100% of their architecture in the cloud, the percentage of IT systems that is cloud-based is reaching critical mass. Cloud computing execution and implementation in various business applications demands highly trained individuals to ensure continued service. There are challenges and benefits involved in the process of migrating business applications to a cloud platform but with the right support the benefits easily overcome the challenges. Cloud technologies can bring businesses a variety of new concepts and business opportunities during this process, typically on sharing computing resources rather than having local servers or personal devices to handle applications.

    Aims & Objectives

    The programme aims to create a well-rounded business graduate whose insights will guide and inform strategic business decisions designed to increase productivity, profitability and an organisation’s value and market share. 

    The specific programme objectives are to:
    - Provide learners with a strong base of contemporary business knowledge through theory, concepts and methods constituting an in‐depth academic grounding in the core disciplines and skills, and related areas, required for a career in general business. 
    - Imbue learners with appropriate expertise in the major aspects of the essential business disciplines and an awareness of the means by which the frontiers of the disciplines can be expanded and new knowledge appraised. 
    - Develop in learners a methodical and rational approach to business problem solving and decision making, with the capability to apply acquired knowledge and skills to practical business situations. 
    - Develop in learners a range of intellectual skills, encompassing reasoning and evaluative skills and communication skills that develop as fully as possible their interpersonal abilities. 
    - Develop learner capacity to organise information, argue, negotiate and defend conclusions and to present them in a clear and coherent fashion. 
    - Encourage learners to deal with knowledge in a critical and analytical way, with the capacity and confidence to evaluate ideas and opinions underpinned by qualitative and quantitative research findings. 
    - Provide learners with the opportunity to specialise in a sub‐field of business learning and to increase their knowledge and skills in the specialised area of Cloud Computing.  

  • Information Systems
  • BA (Hons) in Business (Information Systems)

    CAO Code: DB524

    Information Systems

    The Information Systems (IS) pathway of the BA (Hons) Business is designed to be specifically relevant to the modern business environment in which the role of information systems has become increasingly important. Business professionals are now expected to be proficient in relevant technological concepts and applications, skills that had been viewed as being outside of the domain of the traditional business degree. Information systems must be designed, implemented and maintained using an array of methodologies, tools and technologies. This IS pathway aims to provide students with the skills, knowledge and competences in the use of systems and related-technologies to control and manage organisational data and information.  


    Aims & Objectives

    The programme aims to create a well-rounded business graduate whose insights will guide and inform strategic business decisions designed to increase productivity, profitability and an organisation's value and market share.

    The specific programme objectives are to:

    - Provide learners with a strong base of contemporary business knowledge through theory, concepts and methods constituting an in-depth academic grounding in the core disciplines and skills, and related areas, required for a career in general business.

    - Imbue learners with appropriate expertise in the major aspects of the essential business disciplines and an awareness of the means by which the frontiers of the disciplines can be expanded and new knowledge appraised.

    - Develop in learners a methodical and rational approach to business problem solving and decision making, with the capability to apply acquired knowledge and skills to practical business situations.

    - Develop learner capacity to organise information, argue, negotiate and defend conclusions and to present them in a clear and coherent fashion.

    - Encourage learners to deal with knowledge in a critical and analytical way, with the capacity and confidence to evaluate ideas and opinions underpinned by qualitative and quantitative research findings.

    - Provide learners with the opportunity to specialise in a sub-field of business learning and to increase their knowledge and skills in the specialised area of Information Systems.

  • Law
  • BA (Hons) in Business - Law

    CAO Code: DB514

    DBS Business Law


    Law is a vast area of study. Recent high profile domestic cases have focused attention on the need for compliance with legal principles and requirements. These principles dictate the way in which individuals and organisations carry out their daily business. In an increasingly litigious society, businesses rely on employees with appropriate legal knowledge to ensure that business activities are carried out in a manner that is both ethical and fully compliant with all legal requirements. This course is designed for students intending to pursue a business career in areas where a detailed knowledge of law is useful.



    All learners are expected to attend in person in class.


    Student Testimonial

    "I feel better equipped going into a full time job now compared to how I was before joining DBS. I had a keen interest in Law before I swapped over from NCI. I thought it was a course that suited me better. There is better one-to-one student interactions while the lectures are more personal. I hope to progress my education with an Aviation and Finance course with the Law society of Ireland. This is the industry I see my career in."

    Shane Hensey  
    Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business (Law)



  • HRM
  • BA (Hons) in Business - Human Resource Management

    CAO Code: DB515

    Business HRM DBS


    The question of effective management of an organisation’s people now receives much attention and has arguably become more important than ever. From the viewpoint of those involved in managing human resources, many organisations are facing challenges that are less predictable and more rapid than in the past. Success, and very often survival, requires that organisations find ways to attract retain and reward good employees. Organisations today invest significantly in Human Resource Management (HRM) expertise in the belief that people are a very important asset to any organisation.

    This degree is designed for those with an interest in people and the people aspects of businesses and organisations. Managers and employees alike can benefit greatly from a better understanding and knowledge of people at work. In addition to providing students with a firm grounding in business, this course provides the knowledge and skills that they need to compete successfully as a human resource specialist in today’s complex and changing world of business.



    All learners are expected to attend in person in class.

  • Psychology
  • BA (Hons) in Business - Psychology

    CAO Code: DB569

    DBS Psychology


    The philosophy of this programme is to provide students with an appropriate base of relevant business and management knowledge, with particular emphasis on the development of a firm understanding of the core issues addressed by organisational psychology.

    The aims and objectives is that upon completion of the programme students should be able to:
    - Understand a range of business functions and the multi-disciplinary nature of business
    - Apply appropriate academic theories and concepts to a range of business and management issues
    - Understand the international business environment 
    - Develop an understanding of the complexity of human behaviour
    - Understand the role of psychology in organisational functioning
    - Develop learning skills to meet the demands of further study.


    All learners are expected to attend in person in class.

  • Project Management
  • BA (Hons) in Business - Project Management

    (Direct Application to College)

    DBS Project Management


    The BA (Hons) in Business (Project Management) degree programme incorporates a balanced mix of specialised business management modules, aimed at students who, whilst wishing to study for a general business management degree, choose to focus especially on project management throughout the duration of their studies. The programme deals comprehensively with modern business management concepts whilst exploring the social, organisational, behavioural, and systems issues of project management and the provision of a framework for managing projects. Upon completion of this programme, students will be in a position to undertake postgraduate study within either the general business or more specific project management arena.


    All learners are expected to attend in person in class.

  • Management
  • BA (Hons) in Business - Management

    (Direct Application to College)

    DBS Management


    The BA (Hons) in Business (Management) is designed to provide a solid foundation for success in a business career. The course provides a strong grounding in fundamental business concepts, ideas, practices and methodologies. It features a rich learning environment that involves students in comprehensive and critical analysis of business organisations, functions, processes and management techniques. This course provides students with a good understanding of general business theory and practice. It also provides the critical knowledge and skills that will enable an effective contribution to the resolution of business problems and prepares students for the challenges posed by the dynamic nature of the modern business environment. As the course progresses, the emphasis shifts from foundation knowledge to in-depth study of particular areas of the major disciplines. There is also a greater emphasis on independent work and on the development of a critical and analytical approach to the subject matter, which gives students the confidence to critically evaluate information, ideas and opinions.


    All learners are expected to attend in person in class.

    Student Testimonial

    "I chose DBS because of its great graduate success and its good job links after graduating. DBS is a lovely college full of lovely and helpful people. The benefits of a small college is better, more effective learning. I chose the course because it was always something I've had an interest in. It was tough but worthwhile. I enjoyed learning about the different business areas."

    Rhys Jordan
    Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business (Management)


  • Global Business
  • BA (Hons) in Business - Global Business

    CAO Code: DB520

    Global BusinessOverview

    The BA (Hons) in Business (NFQ Level 8, 180 ECTS) is a three year full-time or four-year part-time programme that aims to provide learners with the fundamental skills of business and create, in the learner, a diversity of cross-enterprise skills necessary in today’s competitive and evolving market. Learners will also acquire insight into sub‐fields of business and increase their knowledge and skills in the specialised areas of Management, Project Management, Human Resource Management, Information Systems, Cloud Computing, Psychology, Global Business, or Law, depending on the electives they choose. In this way, the programme aims to provide an integrated, balanced and dynamic business education that enables the learner to develop the theoretical knowledge and practical skills they need to critically analyse, evaluate and implement strategic solutions for business opportunities and challenges in a diverse and dynamic field.

    The Global Business elective provides a focus on global business. This pathway has been designed with the specific intention of equipping graduates for a career in today’s increasingly global and culturally diverse business environment. In today's global economy, it is essential for employees to be culturally agile. The best team players and leaders will possess the ability to accurately assess the cultural environment in which they operate in order to manage themselves and their teams appropriately. As businesses around the world have become increasingly interconnected, graduates are required to possess a global perspective in order to thrive. The global business elective aims to produce graduates who understand that globalisation has resulted in an increased interconnectedness of businesses, people, cultures, marketing economics, politics and sustainability and about sharing that information across countries and continents. At Level 7 the global business elective modules are Politics in the Modern World, Global Finance, and Intercultural Management. At Level 8 the elective modules include Environment and Society, Global Issues and International Marketing.

    The programme's specific objectives are as follows:

    1. Provide learners with a strong base of contemporary business knowledge through theory, concepts and methods constituting an in‐depth academic grounding in the core disciplines and skills, and related areas, required for a career in general business.

    2. Imbue learners with appropriate expertise in the major aspects of the essential business disciplines and an awareness of the means by which the frontiers of the disciplines can be expanded and new knowledge appraised.

    3. Develop in learners a methodical and rational approach to business problem solving and decision making, with the capability to apply acquired knowledge and skills to practical business situations.

    4. Develop in learners a range of intellectual skills, encompassing reasoning and evaluative skills and communication skills that develop as fully as possible their interpersonal abilities.

    5. Develop learner capacity to organise information, argue, negotiate and defend conclusions and to present them in a clear and coherent fashion.

    6. Encourage learners to deal with knowledge in a critical and analytical way, with the capacity and confidence to evaluate ideas and opinions underpinned by qualitative and quantitative research findings.

    7. Provide learners with the opportunity to also specialise in a sub‐field of business learning and to increase their knowledge and skills in this specialised area of Management, Project Management, Human Resource Management, Information Systems, Cloud Computing, Psychology, Global Business or Law. This specialism is in addition to the objectives outlined previously.


    All learners are expected to attend in person in class.

  • International
  • Full-time Degrees/ Certificates
  • Full-Time
  • Business & Management
  • 8

Course overview

Awarding Body: Quality & Qualifications Ireland (QQI)
Award & NFQ Level: Level 8 (Honours Bachelor Degree)
Award Title: 
BA (Hons) in Business
Award Type: Major
Duration: 3 Years
CAO Codes: DB512, DB514, DB569, DB515, DB520
Next Intake:
September 2025

Contact Us

We are now accepting applications for programmes taking place in 2025. Contact our Admissions Team for further information.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01 417 7500
Opening times:
Monday to Friday
8:45am to 5:15pm