Sustainability Course Structure
Stage one lays the groundwork for the programme. This stage encompasses foundational modules such as Business Context and Organisation, Marketing Essentials, Economics and the World of Business, Sustainability 101, SDGs Literacy, and Applied Sustainability Project 1. In this way, this year focuses on providing a solid and comprehensive understanding of the relevant sustainability in a business context.
Stage two builds on this by covering Management, Project Feasibility, Business Ethics and Research Practice, Digital Business Solutions, Sustainable Marketing Practices, Sustainable Business, International Economics, Sustainability Regulation and Compliance, and Applied Sustainability Project 2. Structured in this way, the understanding and skills acquired in the first year can be utilised and which later years can build. The modules, when taken together, provide key skills for enabling the execution of strategic changes based on insights from interdisciplinary outputs such as management or IS to ensure agility within the market. As such, this programme has been designed as a BA (Hons) in Sustainability Management that includes added interdisciplinary modules.
The award stage covers a range of specialised topical areas such as Green Finance, Strategic Management, Human Resource Management, Leadership in Sustainable Enterprises, Supply Chain Sustainability, Environmental Protection and Eco-social policies, Business & Society, and Applied Sustainability Project 3. These modules provide learners with a wider choice of educational opportunities in alignment with the ethos of the extant programme.
The Applied Sustainability Project modules in all three stages capture the learning acquired in each stage as well as previous learning and experience. To synthesise learning into a strategic report is a key graduate attribute and ensures the diversity of modules on the programme are linked and interrelated as they would be in a contemporary business organisation within an awareness of sustainable development.