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Cirque Du Style Raises Over €5000 for the Irish Hospice Foundation

Over 300 people attended Cirque Du Style, which incorporated dance and street entertainment, featured models from the DBS student body and fashion from high street fashion outlets, leading Dublin stores and bespoke boutiques.  

Lorna Duffy, committee member for the event said “The aim for this year’s show was to build on past successes by extending the reach and scope of the show, bringing more of a festival feel to the event. In doing so we raised a lot of money for the incredible work that the Irish Hospice Foundation do.”

The money raised from the show will go towards the Irish Hospice Foundation. Sharon Foley, CEO of the Irish Hospice Foundation said, “We are delighted to be the beneficiaries of the fashion show.  I would like to extend our thanks and appreciation to all the DBS students, for the huge effort they have put into planning and organising the event alongside managing the rest of their studies. The funds raised from the fashion show will go towards our Nurses for Night Care Service, a service offered free of charge to patients and their families, for people with illnesses other than cancer which enables more people to fulfill their wish to die at home with dignity.” Last year about 300 people were cared for by the service and the demand for it is growing every year, with an expected increase of 25% this year. The IHF receive no core funding from the State and relies on public donations to fund its initiatives. 

Photographed at the Cheque Handover in the College L-R : Serena Stack, Jana Culic, Amy Vaughan (Irish Hospice Foundation) , Lorna Duffy and Tim Murphy